
ZENIDOG® Pheromone Products

Long-acting calming pheromones for dogs

  • Dog

ZENIDOG® Long-Acting Collar

•    Lasts for up to three months
•    Is unobtrusive, elegantly styled and adjustable for dogs of all sizes
•    Achieves effectiveness comparable to the main competitor in pet owner perception study1
•    Two sizes: One for dogs up to 10 kg and one for dogs 10-50 kg

ZENIDOG® Gel Diffuser

•    Lasts up to two months
•    Eco-friendly and completely portable, with no electricity required
•    No perceptible odour to humans and designed to blend into the home
•    Achieves customer satisfaction rates comparable to the main competitor in pet owner perception study1


1. Nicolas CS, Espuña G, Girardin A, Fatjó J, Bowen J, Monginoux P. Owner-Perception of the Effects of Two Long-Lasting Dog-Appeasing Pheromone Analog Devices on Situational Stress in Dogs. Animals. 2022; 12(1):122.

Note: Virbac Canada's products are available from veterinary clinics. To find out what your pet needs, ask your veterinarian. Detailed technical information for veterinarians is available from a Virbac Territory Sales Manager.

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